Incident History

Reports of inaccurate active user counting

This incident has been resolved.

1688410403 - 1688415402 Resolved

Reddit is not loading for some users

This incident has been resolved.

1686951159 - 1686955307 Resolved

Elevated errors on web and mobile

This incident has been resolved.

1686851993 - 1686856794 Resolved

Reddit Failing to Load

This incident has been resolved. Thank you for your patience.

1686581898 - 1686590789 Resolved

New comments are not showing

This incident has been resolved.

1686271930 - 1686279092 Resolved

Error Rates Elevated

We've buttoned things up and the issue has been fully resolved.

1685992143 - 1686003613 Resolved

New comments are not showing

This incident has been resolved.

1685125752 - 1685144227 Resolved

Elevated error rate on Reddit

The incident has been resolved, and we're back to "normal"

1684166558 - 1684173791 Resolved

Issues loading Reddit

This incident has been now resolved.

1681321907 - 1681333297 Resolved


Alright, things are back in order. We're peeling a lot better now! Thanks for your patience.

1678821526 - 1678840870 Resolved
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