Incident History

Abnormal API Timeouts

Our API service experienced an abnormal number of timeouts affecting 0.6% of total traffic due to DNS errors between 12:30-1:10 pm PST.

1669155239 - 1669155239 Resolved

Statuspage notifications are not being sent out

This incident has been resolved. All notifications have been processed. No notifications were lost.

1668034694 - 1668035428 Resolved

Elevated Server Errors on Public Pages

Between 5:09 to 5:13 PM PST, public status pages experienced elevated errors due to increased traffic.

1664327562 - 1664327562 Resolved

Billing page inaccessible for some customers

This incident has been resolved.

1662998786 - 1663015774 Resolved

Elevated Errors for New Email Subscriptions

Between 4:55pm and 10:10pm PST, users were not able to subscribe via email to statuspages. We have identified the root cause and have resolved the issue.

1659418676 - 1659418676 Resolved

Errors accessing manage portal

A recent deploy was found to contain errors. Our infrastructure has been successfully rolled back to a previous version of the code, and traffic is being served as normal again.

1658425564 - 1658425564 Resolved

Elevated Errors for New SMS Subscriptions

We have resolved issue.

1658421468 - 1658422193 Resolved

Intermittent Errors Accessing Public Pages Due to Elevated Traffic

Due to elevated traffic, we experienced intermittent timeouts and errors in serving public pages between 4:24 to 4:25 AM PST. In response, we have implemented updates to our services to mitigate the same issue in the future.

1658147408 - 1658147408 Resolved

Login failures for manage portal

This incident has been resolved.

1656288061 - 1656293506 Resolved

Incorrect AWS Component Emails

This incident has been resolved.

1652727658 - 1652740286 Resolved
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