Cloud Printing Failure
From 2023/4/26 19:46 - 4/27 1:10 UTC, Cloud printing services encounter internal message sending failures, which cause printing requests to fail during this period.
From 2023/4/26 19:46 - 4/27 1:10 UTC, Cloud printing services encounter internal message sending failures, which cause printing requests to fail during this period.
From 2023/3/30 9:55 - 10:18 UTC, part of our IoT services experienced a high load. Printer binding, remote printing, and remote video did not work as expected during this period.
From 2023/3/30 7:50 - 8:00 UTC, part of our IoT services stopped processing for maintenance. Printer binding, remote printing, and remote video did not work as expected during this period.
From 2023/3/15 11:43 - 12:27 UTC, in order to fix the problem with Apple's third-party login, we upgraded the cloud service. During the upgrade process, there were some failures/delays when starting print tasks. After the upgrade process was finished, the service returned to normal.
This incident has been resolved.
From 2023/3/15 15:50 - 16:14 UTC, part of our IoT services experienced a high load. Printer binding, remote printing, and remote video did not work as expected during this period.