Incident History

Incident with Pages and Actions

On September 16, 2024, between 21:11 UTC and 22:20 UTC, Actions and Pages services were degraded. Customers who deploy Pages from a source branch experienced delayed runs. Approximately 1,100 runs were delayed long enough to get marked as abandoned. The runs that weren't abandoned completed successfully after we recovered from the incident. Actions jobs experienced average delays of 23 minutes, with some jobs experiencing delays as high as 45 minutes. During the course of the incident, 17% of runs were delayed by more than 5 minutes. At peak, as many as 80% of runs experienced delays exceeding 5 minutes. The root cause was a misconfiguration in the service that manages runner connections, which caused CPU throttling and led to a performance degradation in that service.We mitigated the incident by diverting runner connections away from the misconfigured nodes. We are working to improve our internal monitoring and alerting to reduce our time to detection and mitigation of issues like this one in the future.

1726522262 - 1726524519 Resolved

Disruption with Git SSH

On September 16, 2024, between 13:24 UTC and 14:28 UTC, the Git Operations service experienced a degradation, leading to intermittent SSH connection drops. The overall SSH error rate during this period was 0.0005%, with a peak error rate of 0.3%.

The root cause was traced to a regression in the service reload mechanism, which resulted in SSH hosts dropping connections on an hourly basis. As SSH hosts were rebooted for routine security updates, the issue progressively affected more hosts.

To mitigate the impact, we removed the affected hosts from production traffic. The SSH regression has since been identified and resolved, with all SSH hosts fully restored. Additionally, we have implemented new monitoring to alert us of any SSH connection refusals moving forward.

1726493387 - 1726496883 Resolved

Incident with Pull Requests

On September 14th, 2024 from 20:45 UTC to 22:31 UTC commit creation operations, most commonly Pull Request merges, failed for some repositories. 226 repositories were impacted.The root cause was a hardware fault in a Git file server, where merge commits are calculated. To mitigate the issue we marked the file server as offline.Detection was slower than is typical because of lower weekend traffic. We’re making improvements to monitoring to decrease time to detection in future.

1726351852 - 1726353788 Resolved

Processing delays to some Issues, Pull Requests and Webhooks

On Sep 13, 2024, between 05:03 UTC and 07:13 UTC, the Webhooks and Actions services were degraded resulting in some customers experiencing delayed processing of Webhooks and Actions Runs. 0.5% of Webhook deliveries were delayed more than 2 minutes during the incident. 15% of Actions Runs started between 05:03 and 05:24 UTC saw run start delays or failures. At 05:24 UTC, we implemented a mitigation to shift traffic to healthy infrastructure and new Actions Runs resumed normal operations. During the rest of the incident window, Actions runs started before 05:24 UTC continued to see delays publishing logs or job results. No Actions runs or Webhook deliveries were lost, only delayed.We mitigated the incident by immediately shifting traffic to a healthy cluster while investigating. The incident was caused by an erroneous configuration change on our eventing platform. A permanent fix was deployed at 06:22 UTC after which services began to recover and burn down their backed up queues, with full recovery by 07:13 UTC.We are working to reduce our time to detection and develop test automation to prevent issues like this one in the future.

1726206161 - 1726211604 Resolved

Disruption with some GitHub services

Between August 27, 2024, 15:52 UTC and September 5, 2024, 17:26 UTC the GitHub Connect service was degraded. This specifically impacted GHES customers who were enabling GitHub Connect for the first time on a GHES instance. Previously enabled GitHub Connect GHES instances were not impacted by this issue.Customers experiencing this issue would have received a 404 response during GitHub Connect enablement and subsequent messages about a failure to connect. This was due to a recent change in configuration to GitHub Connect which has since been rolled back. Subsequent enablement failures on re-attempts were caused by data corruption which has been remediated. Customers should now be able to enable GitHub Connect successfully.To reduce our time to detection and mitigation of such issues in the future, we are working to improve observability of GitHub Connect failures. We are also making efforts to prevent future misconfiguration of GitHub Connect.

1725551734 - 1725557048 Resolved

Disruption with some GitHub services

On August 29th, 2024, from 16:56 UTC to 21:42 UTC, we observed an elevated rate of traffic on our public edge, which triggered GitHub’s rate limiting protections. This resulted in <0.1% of users being identified as false-positives, which they experienced as intermittent connection timeouts. At 20:59 UTC the engineering team improved the system to remediate the false-positive identification of user traffic, and return to normal traffic operations.

1724959749 - 1724968487 Resolved

Disruption with some GitHub services

On August 28, 2024, from 21:40 to 23:43 UTC, up to 25% of unauthenticated dotcom traffic in SE Asia (representing <1% of global traffic) encountered HTTP 500 errors. We observed elevated error rates at one of our global points of presence, where geo-DNS health checks were failing. We identified unhealthy cloud hardware in the region, indicated by abnormal CPU utilization patterns. As a result, we drained the site at 23:26 UTC, which promptly restored normal traffic operations.

1724882545 - 1724888637 Resolved

Disruption with some GitHub services

On August 28th, 2024, starting at 20:43 UTC, some customers accessing GitHub from North America experienced degraded access to GitHub services. The error was intermittent and manifested as timeouts when requests tried to reach endpoints. This was due to a degraded route internal to one of our transit providers. We identified the unhealthy provider path and drained it at 23:26 UTC, rerouting traffic through other providers and promptly restoring normal traffic operations.

1724798246 - 1724801192 Resolved

Incident with Actions

On August 22, 2024, between 16:10 UTC and 17:28 UTC, Actions experienced degraded performance leading to failed workflow runs. On average, 2.5% of workflow runs failed to start with the failure rate peaking at 6%. In addition we saw a 1% error rate for Actions API endpoints. This was due to an Actions service being deployed to faulty hardware that had an incorrect memory configuration, leading to significant performance degradation of those pods due to insufficient memory.The impact was mitigated when the pods were evicted automatically and moved to healthy hosts. The faulty hardware was disabled to prevent a recurrence. We are improving our health checks to ensure that unhealthy hardware is consistently marked offline automatically. We are also improving our monitoring and deployment practices to reduce our time to detection and automated mitigation at the service layer for issues like this in the future.

1724345398 - 1724347686 Resolved

Incident with Actions

On August 21, 2024, between 13:48 UTC and 15:00 UTC, Actions experienced degraded performance, leading to delays in workflow runs. On average, 25% of workflow runs were delayed by 8 minutes. Less than 1% of workflow runs exhausted retries and failed to start. The issue stemmed from a backlog of Pull Request events which caused delays in Actions processing the event queues that trigger workflow runs.We mitigated the incident by disabling the process that led to the sudden spike in Pull Request events. We are working to improve our monitoring and deployment practices to reduce our time to detection and mitigation of issues like this one in the future. We are also identifying appropriate changes to rate limits and reserved capacity to reduce the breadth of impact.

1724249370 - 1724253066 Resolved
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