Account Security - Three UK API Errors

Incident resolved in 5h0m58s


We are no longer experiencing intermittent issues with regards to Account Security API for Three UK. This incident has been resolved.



We are observing recovery in intermittent issues with regards to Account Security API for Three UK. We will continue monitoring the service to ensure a full recovery. We will provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.



We are experiencing intermittent issues with regards to Account Security API for Three UK. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We expect to provide another update in 2 hours or as soon as more information becomes available.



We are experiencing intermittent issues with regards to Account Security API for Three UK. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We expect to provide another update in 1 hour or as soon as more information becomes available.



Our monitoring systems have detected a potential issue with Twilio Verify Silent Network Auth, Lookup Identity Match, Lookup Sim SWAP and Legacy Identity Match and Attributes. Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.