Super Sim DataLimit and ReadySimActivation Functionality Degraded
The issues causing Super Sim DataLimit and ReadySimActivation Functionality Degraded have been resolved and the service is operating normally at this time.
The issue has been identified and the Engineering suggested fix has been implemented and in-progress. We will continue to monitor and provide further updates in next 8 hours.
The issue has been identified and the Engineering suggested fix has been implemented and in-progress. We will continue to monitor and provide further updates in next 4 hours.
The issue has been identified and fix has been implemented. We observe the system started processing the backlog of delayed events. We will continue to monitor and provide further updates in next 2 hours.
We have detected a potential issue with SuperSim (DataLimit and ReadySimActivation functionalities are 100% down since Friday 11th October). Our engineering team has been alerted and is actively investigating. We will provide the update in 1 hour.