Incident History
As per confirmation from Verizon Network, they have resolved the problems on their platform. We can also confirm stability in Twilio SMS and Voice services at this time. This incident has been resolved.
1727722417 - 1727741555
We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to U Mobile Network in Malaysia. This incident has been resolved.
1727720548 - 1727738473
Twilio APIs were degraded for 10 minutes between 17:35 and 17:45 UTC on 09/30/2024. During this period of time customers may have experienced HTTP 5XX errors on various APIs.
1727718573 - 1727719769
We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Zong Network in Pakistan. This incident has been resolved.
1727716177 - 1727735702
We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Lliad Italia Network in Italy. This incident has been resolved.
1727685042 - 1727702060
The incident affecting Super SIM active data session connectivity has been resolved, and the product is operating normally at this time.
1727674965 - 1727702568
We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Aliv Network in the Bahamas. This incident has been resolved.
1727645901 - 1727676071
The issue affecting intermittent errors with API in US and Canada has been resolved, and the service is functioning normally at this time.
1727643338 - 1727656330
We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to MPT Network In Myanmar. This incident has been resolved.
1727582095 - 1727612859
We are no longer experiencing MMS delivery delays when sending messages to US Networks. This incident has been resolved.
1727555182 - 1727572494