MMS Delivery Report Delays to Verizon Network in the US for a Subset of Toll -Free Numbers
We are no longer experiencing delivery report delays when sending to Verizon Wireless in the US of via subset of Long-code. This incident has been resolved.
We are no longer experiencing delivery report delays when sending to Verizon Wireless in the US of via subset of Long-code. This incident has been resolved.
We are still experiencing SMS delivery report delays to Verizon Wireless in the US via subset of Toll-Free numbers, however, since there are several networks impacted, we're resolving this post, and we're consolidating all impacted networks into one post. You can check the status of this at
We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery failures to multiple networks in Caribbean Islands. This incident has been resolved.
We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to CTBC Celular SA (CTBC) in Brazil via a subset of Twilio shortcodes. This incident has been resolved.
We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays from and to Twilio Philippines Phone Numbers. This incident has been resolved.
The issue affecting message failures to a Subset of Phone Numbers in Brazil has been resolved, and the service is functioning normally at this time.
We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery failures to a subset of phone numbers in Brazil. This incident has been resolved.
Service interruption issues in the Console have been resolved and the Console is operating normally at this time. This incident has been resolved.
We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery failures or delivery report delays to Ditto network in Philippines via International Pre-Registered Sender ID. This incident has been resolved.
We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays and failures when sending messages to MTN/Spacetel in Benin. This incident has been resolved.