Incident History

Elevated HTTP 403 Errors Affecting was degraded for 13 minutes minutes between 09:03 AM and 09:16 Pacific Time on 10/14/2024. During this period of time customers may have experienced error 403 on, and The issue has now been resolved.

1728927913 - 1728927913 Resolved

Whatsapp Messages Stuck in Queue Status

The issue causing WhatsApp Messages stuck in Queue has been resolved and the service is operating normally at this time.

1728926334 - 1728945264 Resolved

MMS Delivery Delays and Failures to Multiple Networks in the US From a Subset of Shortcodes

We are no longer experiencing MMS delivery delays when sending messages to multiple networks in the US from a subset of shortcodes. This incident has been resolved.

1728924561 - 1728951008 Resolved

Reported Issue on Twilio Flex Segment Builder

Issue has been resolved and Twilio Flex Segment Builder is operating normally at this time.

1728921035 - 1728926126 Resolved

Twilio Conversations and Sync Affected

Twilio Conversations and Sync were degraded for 6 minutes between 07:56 and 08:02 Pacific Time on 10/14/2024. During this period of time customers may have experienced increased amount of errors and increased latencies. The issue has now been resolved.

1728920315 - 1728920315 Resolved

SMS Delivery Delays to Smart Network in Philippines

We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to Smart Network in Philippines. This incident has been resolved.

1728918783 - 1728933740 Resolved

Super Sim DataLimit and ReadySimActivation Functionality Degraded

The issues causing Super Sim DataLimit and ReadySimActivation Functionality Degraded have been resolved and the service is operating normally at this time.

1728889938 - 1728940772 Resolved

Australian Phone Numbers - Australia Region Appears to Be Inactive

This incident has been resolved.

1728889144 - 1728896180 Resolved

SMS Delivery Delays to CTBC Celular SA (CTBC) Network in Brazil

We are no longer experiencing delivery report delays to CTBC Celular SA (CTBC) network in Brazil. This incident has been resolved.

1728820368 - 1728852996 Resolved

SMS Delivery Delay to Smile Network in Nigeria

We are no longer experiencing SMS delivery delays when sending messages to the Smile Network in Nigeria. This incident has been resolved.

1728717851 - 1728760483 Resolved
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